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質構儀 Texture Analyzer 品牌 (RapidTA)

texture analyzer

RapidTA max RapidTA RapidTA +

1. 有高度校正可以執行定形變(Strain%)下壓測試。
  • 有高度校正功能,可以自動量測樣品高度。並執行定形變下壓測試功能。
  • TPA (Texture Profile Analysis) 測試時,第一次下壓完畢返回觸發點 (Trigger point),第二次下壓由觸發點開始下壓,符合標準TPA動作。
2. 不用花錢購買使用不到的功能。
  • 三個型號儀器(RapidTA、RapidTA+、RapidTA max),兩種軟體(TAdviser、TAdviser+),依照不同使用者類型作區隔。
  • 儀器間主要差異在於行程與出力。
  • 軟體間差異主要在於測試運行中是否需要進行速度改變。


Model: RapidTA

  • 最大出力 : 20 kgf(單柱) 50kg (雙柱)
  • 傳感器可搭配 : 1, 5, 10, 20, 50kgf
  • 行程 : 100 mm
  • 尺寸:210 * 297 * 661 mm
  • 重量 : 8.2 kg
  • 軟體:TAdviser
  • 特色:適合用一單一測試需求的客戶,且樣品體積不大。

Model: RapidTA+

  • 最大出力:20 kgf
  • 傳感器可搭配 : 1, 5, 10, 20 kgf
  • 行程 : 200 mm
  • 尺寸: 225 * 204 * 514 mm
  • 重量 : 9.8 kg
  • 軟體:TAdviser
  • 特色:可以適用於大多數樣品,但出力不大。

Model: RapidTA max

  • 最大出力 : 50 kgf
  • 傳感器可搭配 : 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 kgf
  • 行程 : 300 mm
  • 尺寸: 300 * 404 * 630 mm
  • 軟體:TAdviser
  • 特色 : 可以測試大型樣品且大出力。

質構儀(Texture Analyzer)相關知識



  • 單次測試(Basic single test): 下壓或拉伸動作完成之後回到原始起點。幾乎百分之90以上的食品測試都是以這個測試動作完成。這個測試動作也是後面所有測試動作的基礎。單次測試可以用來測定產品硬度、彈性、黏性、耐穿刺、抗拉等多種測試參數。
  • 重覆測試(Cycle test): 完成多個單次測試,此測試主要用於材料的疲勞測試,或是研究產品在多次使用後,使用者的感官改變程度。。
  • 鬆弛測試(Relaxation test) : 下壓或上拉到達指定位置,停止一段時間,再回到原起點。主要用在檢測食品的彈性相關參數。
  • 全質構測試(TPA)(Texture Profile Analysis): 兩次下壓模擬人類咀嚼動作的測試動作,1960年代開發出來的食品業經典測試方法,能夠在一次的試驗結束後,完整得到多個描述口感的參數。
  • 黏性測試 / 持壓測試 (Adhesive test / Creep test): 黏性樣品測試動作,應用在黏性膠帶、貼布、藥妝產品等,持續穩定在使用者設定的目標力量,用於測定樣品的膨發特性。

治具、探頭 (Probes and Fixtures)
  • 轉接頭 (Adapter): 用於力傳感器與探頭間的轉接零件,可以搭配其他廠牌儀器使用,有各種不同長度。
  • 柱形 (Cylindrical) : 圓柱形探頭,可以對樣品進行穿刺測試。
  • 針形 (Needle) : 針型探頭,主要用於穿刺測試。
  • 球形 (Spherical) : 應用於穿測測試、耐壓測試、黏性測試。
  • 錐形 (Cone) : 應用於穿刺測試。
  • 壓板 (Plate) : 下壓測試,用於探頭尺寸大於樣品尺寸的范籌。
  • 槳形 (Plunger) : 可以搭配樣品杯使用。
  • 杯型 (Cup) : 樣品杯可以製作各種尺寸、材質、蓋子等等。
  • 切刀探頭(Knife) : 用於肉品及肉類的加工產品。

發表文獻 (Scientific Journals)
  • Kinetics of Moisture Loss and Oil Absorption of Pork Rinds. (Foods 2021, 10, 3025.)
  • Low-temperature stress during the flowering period alters the source–sink relationship and grain quality in field-grown late-season rice. (J Agro Crop Sci. 2021;00:1-7.)
  • Prevention of frozen-dough from deterioration with incorporation of glutenin-polyphenols conjugates prepared by ultrasound. (LWT 151 (2021) 112141)
  • Synergistic Modulation of a Tunable Microenvironment to Fabricate a Liver Fibrosis Chip for Drug Testing. (ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 2023, 9, 4893-4906)
  • A Photo-induced Cross-Linking Enhanced A and B Combined Multi-Functional Spray Hydrogel Instantly Protects and Promotes of Irregular Dynamic Wound Healing. (Small 2024, 2309568)


Syringe tester - 通針性測試組

The Syringes test for injection solution is a very important indicator for intravenous and subcutaneous injection.

Elderly food rig - 銀髮食品測試組

In order to ensure that the elderly eat and swallow safely and make the food texture close to the demand.

Wire butter cutter - 鋼線奶油切刀

Cream cutting test to measure the hardness and viscosity of products such as cream, ice cream or cheese by passing wire through a sample.

φ36 mm cylinder probe - 直徑36mm柱形探頭

It has been used in many application fields. Related areas include: baked goods, dairy products, gels, meat processing products, etc.

Spaghetti bending rig - 麵條折斷測試組

The fracture strength of the sample can be obtained by compression bending test.

Gel Strength rig (GB 6783) - 凝膠強度測試組

Cylindrical probes for puncture testing of samples.

Forward extrusion rig - 正擠壓測試組

Measure the compression force required for sample extrusion. Rheological tests for sauces, viscous liquids and pastes.

φ100 mm compression plate - 直徑100mm壓板

Plate probes is used for compress testing, probe size is greater than the sample size range. Available in various diameters from 75 to 100mm.

Noodle stretching rig - 麵條拉伸測試組

Test the elasticity and tension of the noodles, or whether the process has improved or damaged the quality of the noodles.

Sharpness knife rig - 銳利切刀測試組

Precise cutting of small samples. Such as nuts, pills and lozenges, or soft or fragile samples without compression.

Blade of acrylic - 壓克力切刀組

Noodle hardness test. In accordance with AACC 66-50 test method, it is suitable for all kinds of cooked solid noodles and other shapes of pasta, providing objective reference for noodle hardness.

Egg supporting fixture - 雞蛋支撐測試座

Needle probes, mainly used for puncture test. At present, in addition to 1mm needle probe, another 1mm round head is available.

Noodle stickiness rig - 麵條黏性測試組

The surface viscosity of noodles is affected by the protein and starch factors of flour raw materials. If the viscosity is too high, the characteristics of smooth noodles can’t be presented when eating.

Dual wedge rig - 雙楔型測試組

Shear test for certain hardness of food materials. Through the upper and lower wedge cutter, with shear and extrusion characteristics, to understand the mechanical properties of the material.

Dough puncture rig - 麵皮穿刺測試組

The spherical probes can be used for puncture testing, pressure testing, viscosity testing. We can offer probes in 5, 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 inch diameters.

Dough hardness rig - 麵團硬度測試組

The purpose of dough hardness testing is to test the physical properties of various types of dough in order to control the consistency of production operations.

Dough adhesion rig - 麵團黏性測試組

The proportion of raw materials and operations in bread production will affect the dough stickiness. Too much stickiness is difficult to industrial production and various production operations.

Potato chips crispness rig - 薯片酥脆測試組

Suitable for potato chips and brittle materials. The test results can be used as reference for the formulation, manufacturing process and storage quality testing of the crisp products to ensure the best condition of the products.

Butter spreadability rig - 油脂塗佈性測試組

Cone probes can be used for puncture test, compress test, viscosity test. We can provide 30 degrees, 45 degrees, 60 degrees of various diameter cone probes.

φ2 mm cylinder probe - 直徑2mm柱形探頭

φ2mm Cylindrical probes for puncture testing of samples. Available in various diameters from 2 to 50mm.

Blade of warner bratzler - 不鏽鋼切刀組

Determination of tenderness of fresh meat. According to the standard test method (Chinese agricultural industry standard NY/T 1180-2006)

Double c-clamp fixture - 雙C型鉗夾具

To evaluate the tensile strength of materials, repeat tests can be used to test the strength and durability of materials.


長宏儀器開發有限公司 / Horn Instruments Co., Ltd. 統一編號 53070335

桃園市大園區(337)青峰路2段213號8樓 TEL:03-3819203  FAX:03-3819338
台中市龍井區(434)遊園北路388巷2號 TEL:04-26317421 電郵 sam@horninstr.com.tw